Projects & Resources Spanish

Learning Studios Teacher Guide & Project Library

In the Learning Studio program, learners define the problems they want to solve and design solutions to address them. Leveraging powerful technology, students engage in activities and projects that expose them to skills and concepts such as design thinking, three dimensional design, and social entrepreneurship. All educators can access the Teacher Guide & Project Library, which provides…

Global Art Exchange

K-12 Global Art Exchange

K-12 students exchange original artwork with their peers in schools around the world and, in some cases, complete follow-up VoiceThread conversations with a partner class. Since 2009, over 32,000 children from 67 countries have directly participated and another 350,000 students have seen program art displays in their schools.

Classroom Connections

Classroom Conversations with the World

Classroom Conversations with the World matches registered classes with a global partner class (or classes) of the same grade range for an asynchronous VoiceThread conversation.  A VoiceThread conversation is a web-based application where media is the center of the conversation. Participating classes explore their curriculum with their global peers. Specific guidelines are provided. Participation…

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ArtLink Program

ArtLink is Creative Connections’ international exchange program designed for 3rd – 12th grade classes.Students create art pieces that reflect their life and culture, and exchange their work with a partner class in another country. Students then examine and enjoy the art from overseas, gaining new insights into both their own and their partner’s cultures. Finally, students share their insights…


#Decarbonize: Decolonize - Art, the UN, Climate Change & Indigenous Peoples

Have your student's art and Climate Action projects featured at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, in November (2017). Join 20 countries, the Great Barrier Reef, Polar Bears International and 1000's of students as schools share and collaborate around Art and Climate Action projects in advance of the UN Conference. Through the use of the Global Gallery, classrooms will be able to…

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Ositos de Peluche

Un proyecto colaborativo, desarrollado a través de email, para los chicos de todo el mundo. Ositos de Peluche es un proyecto colaborativo de alcance internacional que fue ideado por la profesora australiana Muriel Wells miembro de la red iEARN Australia ( en 1996 y que tiene gran aceptación en aulas de nivel inicial y primer ciclo de nivel primario. A lo largo de los años,…

Talking Kites

Talking Kites Around the World

Students make kites to fly as a massive tribute dedicated to advancing cultural and social dialogue, a symbol of bridging the gap and understanding the "other." This will hopefully become a continuous tradition of flying kites with personal and group images of our dreams for a better world, a world of co-existence, tolerance, acceptance of the "other" and peace or about children’s rights. Each…