The Teachers’ Guide to Global, Collaborative Teaching and Learning is a searchable database of global projects and resources to help educators foster global competence and build connections with their students. This guide brings together opportunities and supports from organizations and institutions in the global education field for educators to find and connect with projects and programs that align with their curricula, goals, and interests.

Whether you are a new or a long time global collaborator, this website offers a comprehensive collection of resources from the global education field.

How to Use this Guide

Search projects by subject area, education standard, or keyword to find opportunities for global collaboration that match your class needs and interests. Search the resources to find curriculum, professional development opportunities, global communities, and resources from your favorite global education organization.

New to global collaboration? No problem! Check out a few projects that are great for beginners.

One Day
One Day in the Life

One Day in the Life is a project in which students exchange photographs/images describing days in…
Classroom Connections
Classroom Conversations with the World

Classroom Conversations with the World matches registered classes with a global partner class (or…
Global Art Exchange
K-12 Global Art Exchange

K-12 students exchange original artwork with their peers in schools around the world and, in some…
Holiday Card Exchange
Holiday Card Exchange Project

Teachers and students prepare an envelope with holiday cards to send to the other participants…
Globalspeedchat Copy

Created by two teachers, #GlobalSpeedChat is a curriculum that includes quick, easy (ready to go),…

Why Global Collaboration?

In order to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world, young people need to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to engage in lifelong, cross-cultural learning and collaboration. More than ever, young people need the 21st century skills for global competency, digital literacy, critical thinking and global collaboration among international peers.  

The resources below will give you a better understanding of why you should bring global collaboration into your classroom, and what the impact can be!

Global Education And Equitable Preparation Blogheader
Global Education and Equitable Preparation: An Educator's Digest

9 in 10 students recognize that jobs are becoming increasingly international and believe they will…
Virtual Exchange Coalition Logo Blue On White
Virtual Exchange Definition

What is Virtual Exchange? Virtual exchanges are technology-enabled, sustained, people-to-people…
Screen Shot 2017 04 12 At 11 38 31 Am
Teacher's Guide to Online Collaboration and Global Projects

The iEARN Teacher’s Guide to Online Collaboration & Global Projects is a resource designed to guide…

How to Submit Projects or Resources

Do you run a global project? Does your organization have great resources for global collaboration? Submit projects and resources following the site guidelines so that educators can find and connect with your project and/or resource.