
Do you run a global project that connects students around the world through collaborative activities? Send us information about your project so that educators can find and join your project.

Does your organization or institution have a great resource to support educators in their global work? Share your toolkits, tutorials, content resources, professional development opportunities, and/or events so educators can access your materials.

First time submitting a project or resource? 

To submit your first project, add the affiliated organization or institution by clicking the next button if you are not already listed. Submit projects and resources following the guidelines below so that educators can find and connect with your project and/or resource.

Submit Project


Share your Global Project with educators around the world!

Submit Project Guidelines



Share your Global Learning Resources with educators around the world!

Submit Resource Guidelines

Who should submit a project?

Educators or organizations that facilitate or run global projects can submit their projects to this global guide. The submission can be a new project or a well-established project that other educators can join with their classes.  

What projects relate to this guide?

This is a guide for global collaboration! Projects should include connections and collaborations with teachers and students from other countries for an educational purpose - not just projects “about” other countries.

What is the submission criteria?

The global guide review team will look for projects that enable teachers and students to connect, collaborate and learn together. We want people to be able to join your project, so please include a URL and contact information. We want educators to be able to easily find projects that align with their standards or curriculum goals, so please include information about age, subject areas, standards, etc.

Who should submit resources?

Organizations and institutions that offer global education and collaboration opportunities for educators are encouraged to share in this guide. We are looking for resources that support educators to engage their students in global collaboration. You must own the rights to the resource(s) you submit.

What kinds of resources relate to this guide?

Resources for submission can include anything that supports educators in their global work - curriculum, toolkits, tutorials, content resources, networks, events, and professional development opportunities.

What is the submission criteria?

The global guide review team will look for resources that support teachers and students to connect, collaborate and learn with others around the world. We want people to be able to find your resource, so please include a URL and contact information. Your submission should include a detailed description so that educators will be able to easily search and find resources and opportunities to support global collaboration in their classroom.