The Hague International Model United Nations
The THIMUN mission is to promote and foster collaborative solution-oriented discussion to important issues by instilling life-long passion for improving our global community into today's youth, who will be tomorrow's leaders.
Attendants of THIMUN conferences aims to seek, through discussion, negotiation and debate, solutions to the various problems of the world: e.g. questions of human rights, protection of the environment, economic development, disarmament, the problems of youth and of refugees, as well as the more critical issues of war and peace. The young delegates, in seeking solutions to these problems, can learn to break away from narrow, national self-interest and develop true international cooperation.
The research and preparation required, the adoption of views and attitudes other than their own, the involvement and interaction with so many other young people from around the world, all combine to give the young people a deep insight into the world's problems, to make them aware of the causes of conflict between nations and to lead them to a better understanding of interests and motivation of others.
Thus the THIMUN Foundation, through its conferences and educational programs, attempts to fulfill the aims and goals set by the founders of the United Nations in the Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations: "to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors".