Projects & Resources Professional Development

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Micro-credentials for Global Competence

Educators engage in both formal and informal professional learning activities but are rarely recognized for their informal learning. Micro-credentials do! They are a natural extension of educators’ professional learning journeys: competency-based, on-demand, personalized, and sharable. World Savvy, in partnership with Digital Promise Global, developed an initial stack of eight micro-credentials…


MOOC Camp are facilitated discussions around massive open online courses (MOOCs), Open Courseware, and other free online courses. They are hosted at U.S. Embassies, Consulates, American Spaces, and other public spaces around the world. Facilitated discussions are led by alumni who have participated in U.S. government exchange programs, such as the Fulbright program, and U.S. Embassy staff, who…


Global Glimpse Workshops

Global Glimpse is a two year program that combines after school workshops and weekend summits with immersive international travel. Our innovative model helps high school students from all backgrounds build leadership skills and a global perspective. 100% of donor and foundation support goes to fund organizational growth and scholarships for low-income youth on Global Glimpse programs.After School…

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Social Good in The Classroom

There are more than 50 million public school students in the United States, and more than three million full-time public school teachers. This collective group is a powerful force, and has a unique ability and opportunity to create positive change in classrooms, schools and surrounding communities. To help solve the world’s biggest challenges, we must encourage students to be critical, active…

Flat Connections Global Educator Online Course

The Global Educator online courses are recommended for K-20 educators and education leaders. They are multi-faceted and provide options for those who want a shorter learning experience and those who wish to become more embedded in the practice and theory of online global learning – how to connect, communicate, digital citizenship skills, intercultural understanding and online global…

International Studies Schools Network (ISSN) Catalog

Catalog of all workshops and resources provided by an Asia Society Center for Global Education initiative, the International Studies Schools Network (ISSN) is a professional community of a growing number of K-12 schools around the United States. ISSN schools integrate global education across the curriculum through a unique combination of professional development, globally focused curriculum…